OVZ Logo

Seit 1980 führend
in der Vermittlung
von Busreisen
und Mietbussen.

OVZ Qualität

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Free Hotel registration

You can register your hotel for free in the OVZ hotel database. A simple listing is free of charge.

We recommend our exclusive OVZ premium entry

Decide on the premium entry and convince our travel specialists with expressive pictures, meaningful texts as well as detailed information about your house.
The premium entry costs from 99.00 € per year plus VAT. (In case of SEPA direct debit procedure)
Register as a Hotel Premium Partner
Example of a premium entry

Please register your hotel only if you are not listed in the OVZ hotel database yet!

You can check this under Search Hotels.

Your hotel is not registered yet?

Just fill out this form and send it to us, you will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail from us. Click on the link in the e-mail and you will receive your access data. This way you can change/correct your registration.

Your hotel will only be prominently displayed on the OVZ websites with a paid premium listing!

Your hotel is already listed in the OVZ hotel database

Verify that the listed e-mail address is correct.

• The e-mail address is correct

Click on this link and enter the registered e-mail address, so we can send you access data with a temporary password. Please generate your individual password immediately after the first login.

• The e-mail address is incorrect

You are listed in the OVZ hotel database, but your e-mail address is incorrect.
In this case please call us at +49 6224 93990, send a fax at +49 6224 908546 or send an e-mail to info@ovz.de. We are available from Monday to Friday between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm. If you have an e-mail address with no unique identifier, such as GMX, T-Online or similar providers, we will contact you by phone to ensure data protection and prevent misuse. Give us a time window, within which a contact does not interfere with your operational sequence.



First enter your basic data:

Company / Hotel* 
Legal name* 
Street*  Mailing address
Country*  Country identifier
ZIP*  Mailing address
City*  Mailing address
Google y  Breite, z.B. 49.34433 (wird mit OSM ermittelt)
Google x  Länge, z.B. 8.656878 (wird mit OSM ermittelt)
Phone  Please use only + - digits and spaces.
Mobile  Please use only + - digits and spaces.
Fax  Please use only + - digits and spaces.
Homepage*  Enter with http:// or https://.
Booking page  Link to your booking page. Enter with http:// or https://.
Email*  Main email address (is visible to all)
Managing Director  Legal representative
Hotel chain 
Contact  Contact person for OVZ
Contact Phone  Phone number Contact person (not visible to the outside)
Contact Email*  Email Contact person

* This is a mandatory field

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Zur Heidschnucke
in Asendorf

Kaiserhof Feldberg
in Feldberger Seenlandschaft